At Play in the Fields of Kim Lord

Hidden away amidst the rugged peaks towering over the Dwarsrivier Valley, you may be fortunate enough to happen upon the Banhoek Conservancy, but only if you’re one of those outdoor types who heed the call of the mountains.

Banhoek and Boschendal unfold in all their glory here along the eastern and southern slopes of Simonsberg, with an extensive network of superb mountain bike trails spiderwebbing amidst verdant vineyards, hush-hush olive groves, Blair Witch burns and sweeping fynbos slopes.

The selection of routes are nothing short of extraordinary, spanning the full gamut from the trippy Valley Game Trail and gritty #NickNacks Climb, to the manicured swirl-and-whirl of#SugarBowl. Then there’s the whippy endorphin rush of#SkyFall, the gut-thumping 270 Degree drop-ins of#LuiperdSeFyndraai and a hundred other High-5 moments along a combined route of more than 70km in total.

Thousand Dollar Events regularly crank these routes, but for the first time Average Joes like you and me can go beautifully ballistic along these world-class trails. Expect some serious sectors of hell as you crank up those #Helshoogte ridges to Botmaskop, but boy, the rewards you reap on the heavenly downhills are sure to make up for it a thousand-fold.

As far as trail buillders and MTB good guys go, I’m happy to put my hand up as one of the new converts to Kim Lord. Between him, Andre le Grange, Bennett Nel and Pieter van Wyk, they’ve created a trail-riding playground of note, and I can confidently say this region just beyond #TheBosch will undoubtedly become a favourite #KingdomOfCrank.

For more info on all the trails as well as relevant permit details, go check out

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