Doringbaai Perlemoen Fees 2019

Zoned. Stoked. Buzzing with good vibes. Sun-burnt and high on ocean #oZONE. One hundred per cent after-action satisfaction. With bellies full of #kreef and #perlemoen (and slightly hung-over, I might add). That’s what a weekend on the Namaqua West Coast will do to you 😏 👌💪

The annual #Doringbaai #PerlemoenFees delivered on all levels, without for a single second losing out on the earthy authenticity of this vibrant corner of our Rainbow Nation. Traditional crayfishing bakkies, random rastafarians, touch rugby beach boys, salt-water surfing girls, no-nonsense tannies with hearts of gold, and wine-makers who are not too self-important to do an underpants pier-jump off the harbour wall…

These are the characters who will welcome you with open arms (and open bottles of @fryerscove wine!) when you visit the incredible #NamaquaWestCoast, and who will also make it so difficult to say goodbye. Maar dis ook oraait, want dit beteken jy kan weer en weer en weer kom kuier! The perfect spot indeed for our #oZoneAfrica #yearendfunktion with Peter KirkZane SchmahlDensen Magaisa and the surf rats

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