Grootvadersbosh Conservancy

The #Platteland is where my heart is. And also fresh air, wide-sky horizons and earthy folk with their feet deeply rooted to the planet. They live a less fearful life than their Concrete Jungle counterparts, and it makes for a space where one can reconnect with the realities of what la vida loca should really be about …

So yes, what a privilege to point the Isuzu South Africa #MUX eastwards on a mission to capture the #lockdown blues playing out in the Hessequa – The Explorer’s Garden Route. The focus was specifically on how the rural people within the area are trying to cope with the devastating financial effects of the ongoing #corona crisis. A secondary theme – commissioned by the Silver Mountain Music Festival – will try to visually capture this as part of a virtual AV show reel, starring some of the inspirational people from the #Hessequa.

Incredible to be able to feature Aileen AndersonFleur Van EedenRohan GermishuysDonovan Julius and a whole bunch of top #Platteland Peeps in this project, as well as part of an upcoming Vrye Weekblad article

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