Noordkaap. Where else in the World? #2

Cheers to the deserted gravel roads, the early morning twitter of sociable weavers waking up way before dawn, sunsets that linger into the near-dark of night, and the wood-smoke aroma of open bush fires. It was a bit of a hit and run visit, but the Northern Cape never disappoints ????????

There is no province quite like the #noordkaap when it comes to straight-up breathing space. Here you can still range free in anything from ancient #camelthorn woods and #quivertree forests to the ‘roaring dunes’ of the unique #Witsand Nature Reserve. Diverse #camino routes, forgotten back roads and dozens of #hiking trails offer endless #trailrun#mtb and outdoor play opportunities ???? ☀

Here are some (non work-related) images from this most recent #oZone mission with Zane Schmahl and PeterKirk. So flippen lekker to see #Treva the #Xrider again, too! Now home to my Marais herd

Click here to view the pics

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