Orms Cape Town School of Photography

Good things happen to good people 🙂

But for those good things to happen, hard graft and dedication needs to be the order of the day. Furthermore, this ethic needs to be consistent and for it to be that, it must become a passion. There can be no excuses, and you need to deliver beyond expectation, every time you step up to the plate.

Densen Magaisa has been doing this solidly for the more than 12 years that I’ve known and mentored him, and he is a pleasure to have along on our regular OZone Content Creation Projects.

He has grown immeasurably, but today his life is about to change, in the best way possible, thanks to

Orms. I approached them a few months ago with a proposal to take Densen on as a sponsored student, and the email came in last night to confirm that he has been accepted on one of their superb
Orms Cape Town School of Photography

courses. Sometimes, you need to make the circle of good people bigger to make those good things happen!

A huge #ThankYou is also due to so many of my #Facebook friends who have helped Densen by donating cameras and photographic equipment. Again, without your generosity and support, his road would have been way more difficult, so pats on the back all round. I look forward to seeing you grow and prosper, buddy … never stop chasing that dream!

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