Rockwood Karkloof Nature Reserve

#Karkloof. Every time I come here, I consider uprooting my (our) life and moving to this beautiful space. The earthy energy, the heartwarming people, the fresh air, the undiluted connection to nature, and of course the unequalled #trails … the Karkloof Conservancy truly is a part of South Africa (and the world) that is absolutely impossible to replicate.

And then you have Rockwood Lodges and their superb #Rockwood Farm House. Staying here makes you feel like you’ve just won the Lotto, and have not a single thing lacking in your life. Our ride this morning on the Titan Racing Bikes delivered cascading mountain streams and bounding reedbuck, while yesterday we gawped in wonder as we teetered atop the cliffs overlooking the muted thunder where #HorseTailFalls plummet into the indigenous #mistforest in a 60ft ballet of utter beauty.

We have a few days left in this paradise that epitomizes the #Midlands magic, and I cannot wait to see what our next #microadventure in the ISUZU South Africa delivers. Thank you for sharing your space with us, Sappi Southern Africa 🍃💚

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