Ocean charities have always been very close to my heart, because I find sports such as surfing, free-diving, kayaking and open-water swimming a major boon to my personal mental health and emotional wellness. Maybe it is the ozone suffusing the back-line, or reconnecting with that wild #vitaminsea wilderness, or just the act of immersing yourself within the Big Blue … Whichever way, it works, and even dogs dig it
Which means that spending a Saturday morning volunteering for the Roxy Davis Foundation at their #adaptivesurfing theraphy surf sessions is as much about helping me as it is about helping them. Such an incredible collective of people: from committed organisers and dedicated volunteers selflessly giving of their time, to an array of differently-enabled surfers soaking up the ocean stoke.
Their ‘different abilities’ range from paralysis and cerebral palsy to blindness or amputations, but man oh man, the physical challenges fade to background noise while you watch them charging in from the Muiz backline. Adaptive surfing is a rapidly growing sport and there are so many ways in which you can help. Donate. Volunteer. Spread the word. And I guarantee you will walk away having gained way more than you gave