The Leopard Trail #2

Sometimes, you really love a place. And you explore it, and over time, utterly get to know this space. But on one given weekend, you return and venture ever so slightly off-track, and suddenly it is as if you’ve taken a huge ayahuasca hit, and gone down a rabbit hole of totally psychedelic proportions.

This past weekend’s space was #CedarFalls at Go Baviaans: Baviaanskloof Accommodation and Activities, the Base Camp for the annual Leopard Run. I’ve gone feral in this wild and rugged wilderness on countless visits over the decades, but somehow I crossed over into another natural dimension this time around.

DAY 1 of this run is a mother-rucking mind-bender of a face-off against Mother Nature, and she throws everything at you: brain-melting temperatures in ‘The Cauldron’, pissed-off serpents lying in wait amidst the shale-shocked ranges, and gritty ascents that induce body-contorting cramps. Add mountain meadows, shard-shattered scree slopes, waving restios plains, ancient cedar amphitheaters and glacial gorge pools in the canyons, and you immediately know you’re in for a proper #mountainrun.

And that is just the #leopardrun #trailrun itself … Beyond the extent of this 3-day stage race, real-time gritty nature immersion awaits. Shamanic San rock art; a meandering #mountainbike trail network and #flowtrack; wild horses roaming upon the grassland plains, big-time breathing space and local characters with legendary campfire tales, all in all delivering enough headspace to stand you in good stead for months to come.

Yup, take my word for it, and join the kickass EcoBound Mountain Events crew next year for three days in this incredible World Heritage Site. Yes, it may well run rampant with adrenaline, but dig deeper and you will plug into the boundless spirituality ley-lining through an insanely unique landscape. I have no doubt you will thank me later

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