Legendary Bradley Weiss #1

I started off this past weekend with a dawn shoot of legendary #XTERRA World Champion, #Ironman Extraordinaire and downright nice guy, Bradley Weiss. With the dawn rays lazering in across the hazy Hottentots-Holland ranges and this supremely talented and humble athlete in front of the lens, Friday was always going to be a damn fine day. (It got even better having Nina Orzechowska on hand to make sure everything flowed and keeping us boys on our toes) 🙌

Best of all? That evening I got to run the  breathtaking #CapePeninsula mountains skylining on the opposite side of #FalseBay with Karyn Marais and good mates Kevin Waterston and Nikki Waterston. There’s no beating the #Smitswinkel Traverse on a windless autumn night, especially when ending it off with supper at The Lighthouse Café- bonus points all round! Huge shout-out to Squirt Cycling Products for setting up this kickass imaging opportunity 🙏

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