Grootvadersbosch Conservancy – River Health

Amazing three days embedded in the #Hessequa Kloofs. Thank you, Aileen Anderson, Keith & Michele Moodie, and all the other excellent crew up at Grootvadersbosch Conservancy

The last two days have been all about #redfins here in the gorgeous @gvbconservancy. Our mission has focused on monitoring #riverhealth in the off-grid canyons characterising this part of the #Hessequa, and what an adventure to hang out with the @capenature field crew 💦🏞️💙
Rock-hopping, ridge scrambles, eel wrangling, deep-forest hikes … all while trawling the tannin-stained pools of the #Tradouw#Kruis and other incredible mountain streams in the peaks above #Heidelberg, way off the beaten track, and as far as you could possibly get from the #ratrace.
Superb to shoot the breeze with @aileenoutside and Carla Wood of @tablemountainfund; such a pity our friends could not join

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