Happy New Year

Happy, funky and prosperous #2025 to all the amazing people who made the past year such a wild and wonderful ride. A thousand #ThankYou‘s won’t even come close to expressing the gratitude I feel for each and every individual and business whom I connected, colluded, consorted and celebrated with.

This year, we enjoyed a #DeepSouth #Staycation, exploring the oceans and mountains that make the Cape Peninsula such an incredible outdoor area. I’ve attached a few images from the past week or so, with a week of #Harkerville Forest Play looming before we get back into the swing of things.

Special shout-outs for now go to all the brands and destinations I’ve worked most closely with over the past twelve months – I truly value your on-going support. And then, of course, Karyn Marais and my three amazing kids, who make my world go round 🙏🏼
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