Neighbourhood Nazis

“By 1998 the Stasi employed a vast network of more than 90,000 agents and at least 189,000 “unofficial collaborators” (though the total of “information providers”, or Auskunftspersonen, is estimated to be over two million) to keep tabs and files on the GDR’s citizens. The Stasi perfected a technique known as Zersetzung (literally, “decomposition”), of continual psychological harassment, aimed at damaging the reputations and relationships of their subjects, causing them to lose the will to continue with their activities” – #DailyMaverickQuote

Another hard-hitting article by the on-point Daily Maverick below ……/2020-04-30-an-iron-curt…/…

Seriously disturbing to have seen some of these self-appointed ‘Neighbourhood Nazis’ calling out fellow surfers, trail runners, dog walkers and hikers, often in situations where targets went out of their way to ensure they could not spread a contamination vector in any shape or form. Sneaking around – like some wanted Socialist State political transgressor – during the hours of darkness became the norm, all because you suffered from the ‘abnormal’ addiction to exercise and fresh air. A few home-grown Hitler’s even went so far as to follow lockdown-breakers with drones in order to identify them and report them to their masters … Bless their puritanical little braunhemden.

To me, this – and the subconscious wedge that #SocialDistancing is driving between us humans – are the most worrisome consequences of the enforced lockdown. Hugging, handshakes and back-slapping have been swapped out for sterile elbow-poking and – although I understand the reasoning behind it – I cannot help but find it immensely sad that I first have to check with mates whether they’re okay with a big old bear hug. So, instead, I’ll do a ‘Namaste’ bow, which I suppose is the next best thing …

But you know what? None of this is going to change the fact that we are ALL going to get #SARScov2 at some stage. This is the only given in this ‘pandemic’ that is rending our social fabric asunder while we wait for whatever our #NewNormal will be. Hopefully there will be hugs, you buggers, because I certainly miss them!

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