Holy Moly! Yesterday was just such a lekker day … I got to play #TurtleTaxi in the Isuzu South Africa
#isuzuMUX for the amazing Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation . Yup, Annie the #LoggerheadTurtle had to go to the #HumanHospital, and I was the lucky dude who got to drive her across the Peninsula for a #CTscan to ensure she is 100% ready for her release later this year. And the reason she needed the check-up? Well, let’s just say that sometimes she swims around the #TOA Tank with her bum in the air (this is also why she is affectionately known as #BubbleButt to some of the volunteers)
#isuzuMUX for the amazing Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation . Yup, Annie the #LoggerheadTurtle had to go to the #HumanHospital, and I was the lucky dude who got to drive her across the Peninsula for a #CTscan to ensure she is 100% ready for her release later this year. And the reason she needed the check-up? Well, let’s just say that sometimes she swims around the #TOA Tank with her bum in the air (this is also why she is affectionately known as #BubbleButt to some of the volunteers)
According to Maryke Musson , “there may be some air trapped in her body cavity, or otherwise she is just one very gassy lady!” Well, the results are in and we’re happy to say the scan did not show anything of concern (except excellent improvement over the past year). In fact, Annie is rated as one “strong, feisty and healthy sea turtle”, and therefore good to go.
She arrived at Two Oceans Aquarium after being rescued from a #ghostfishing net by the NSRI, and fortunately is a real survivor. Dedicated care by the incredible #TurtleRehabTeam has seen her gain weight (and attitude!) over the past 12 months, and the next step in her incredible journey will be to return to the #BigBlue. The date has not yet been confirmed, but she will be released into the deep, warm-water currents off #CapePoint in the next few months, where she will say a final goodbye to her humans. As usual, the team will make sure she is fitted with a tracker so that we can see exactly what she gets up to on her amazing ocean travels 

A massive #ThankYou goes out to everyone who donated towards Annie’s scan, and to the members of the public who were instrumental in her rescue. The #AquariumFoundation is a registered non-profit & public benefit organization – visit aquariumfoundation.org.za for more information on their impactful programmes.
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