Imagining the Dragon

A fun shoe-string film focusing on the epic new DRAGON’S TALE Via Ferrata route set against the sheer buttresses of the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains Transfrontier Conservation Area. Such a privilege connecting with a lekker bunch of down-to-earth mountain people, and breathing the sub-alpine air of the #uKhahlamba World Heritage Site.

Witsieshoek Mountain Lodge was the perfect base for this big-mountain epic, and kudos to Dirty Boots Adventure Guide for pulling together a superb #AdventureSummit. And as always, ISUZU South Africa got me to the #adventure coal-face in one of their #DMAXbold bakkies! Last but not least, those wacky fish-eye angles come courtesy of the Insta360za X3 360-Degree action camera 👊😆

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