Tranquility at Papuilsfontein Guest Farm

This image takes me back to such a lekker moment of tranquility and #natureconnection at Papkuilsfontein Guest Farm. The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of bureaucracy arranging visas for an international shoot, feature deadlines for Getaway Magazine and Wired For Adventure, and a new publishing project.

All of this equates to way too much time behind keyboards (or in Home Affairs queues!) and getting sucked into a #bluescreen rabbit hole where outcomes are rarely tangible. I came across this visual again while prepping imagery for one of my magazine stories late last night, and the playful whimsy – and total lack of AI – of that split-second capture transported me right back to this magic morning, listening to a dawn chorus of tiny puff-ball prinias, southern booboo soloing, and a racous pair of yellow-billed duck … #JustBreathe #nature
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